Open today from 10:30 until 16:30

Edible climbers

When space is tight, you'll want to use every inch you can to grow crops. And when you've run out of room on the ground, sometimes the only way is up.

Edible climbers do everything ornamental plants do - lush foliage, spectacular flowers, and often good autumn colour – but with the added bonus of a generous harvest. Here's a selection of the best from the range in our garden centre in .

Runner beans are straightforward to grow and incredibly generous, producing several pounds of long beans from every plant. 'Painted Lady' has bicoloured red-and-white flowers.

Loganberries are loose-stemmed shrubs, easily trained against a fence. The sweet, juicy berries look like oversized raspberries.

Grapevines drip with fruit when trained over arches: 'Boskoop Glory' has sweet, smoky purple dessert grapes, and its leaves turn brilliant scarlet in autumn.

Kiwi fruit are very hardy, despite their exotic-looking fruit with brown fuzzy skins and succulent bright green flesh. Choose a self-fertile variety like 'Jenny' or 'Solo'.

Please ask the staff in our  garden centre for more information and advice about growing edible climbers.

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